Want to draw spiderman in python then you are at the right place today in this python tutorial I will show you how to draw spiderman in python using turtle I will also give you the source code of this project so read till the end.
Spiderman is one of the beloved characters from the marvel movies. I have watched every Spiderman movie since I was a kid. They are all amazing and fantastic. I will also show you to draw spiderman logo using python
So today we will show our love to spiderman by drawing a cute spiderman using python turtle programming. It will be an interesting project, so follow me till the end of the tutorial.
Spiderman Python Code For Drawing from turtle import *
speed( 13 )
bgcolor( "#990000" )
pensize( 10 )
penup( )
goto( 0 , 50 )
pendown( )
circle( - 120 )
penup( )
circle( - 120 , - 60 )
pendown( )
pensize( 5 )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 55 )
right( 85 )
circle( 75 , 58 )
right( 90 )
circle( 70 , 55 )
right( 90 )
circle( 70 , 58 )
penup( )
pensize( 10 )
goto( 80 , 15 )
pendown( )
seth( 92 )
fd( 135 )
seth( 125 )
circle( 30 , 135 )
seth( 190 )
fd( 50 )
seth( 125 )
circle( 30 , 135 )
seth( 275 )
fd( 90 )
penup( )
pensize( 10 )
goto( 92 , - 150 )
seth( 240 )
pendown( )
fd( 80 )
left( 10 )
circle( - 28 , 185 )
penup( )
goto( 0 , 50 )
seth( 0 )
pensize( 10 )
circle( - 120 , - 60 )
seth( 200 )
pendown( )
fd( 72 )
left( 20 )
circle( 30 , 150 )
left( 20 )
fd( 20 )
right( 15 )
fd( 10 )
pensize( 5 )
fillcolor( "#3366cc" )
begin_fill( )
seth( 92 )
circle( - 120 , 31 )
seth( 200 )
fd( 45 )
left( 90 )
fd( 52 )
end_fill( )
fd( - 12 )
right( 90 )
fd( 40 )
penup( )
right( 90 )
fd( 18 )
pendown( )
right( 86 )
fd( 40 )
penup( )
goto( - 152 , - 86 )
pendown( )
left( 40 )
circle( 35 , 90 )
penup( )
goto( - 80 , 116 )
seth( 10 )
pensize( 5 )
pendown( )
begin_fill( )
fillcolor( "#3366cc" )
fd( 155 )
seth( - 88 )
fd( 37 )
seth( 195 )
fd( 156 )
end_fill( )
penup( )
goto( - 75 , 38 )
seth( 15 )
pendown( )
begin_fill( )
fd( 158 )
seth( - 88 )
fd( 55 )
seth( 140 )
circle( 120 , 78 )
end_fill( )
penup( )
fillcolor( "#3366cc" )
pensize( 5 )
goto( 75 , - 170 )
pendown( )
begin_fill( )
seth( 240 )
fd( 30 )
right( 90 )
fd( 17 )
end_fill( )
fd( 10 )
left( 80 )
fd( 55 )
penup( )
left( 90 )
fd( 15 )
pendown( )
left( 85 )
fd( 55 )
penup( )
goto( 43 , - 225 )
left( 84 )
pendown( )
circle( 60 , 51 )
speed( 0 )
for i in range ( 3 ) :
penup( )
goto( - 70 + i* 15 , 135 )
seth( - 90 )
pendown( )
pensize( 5 )
fd( 15 - 2 * i)
for i in range ( 3 ) :
penup( )
goto( 36 + i * 15 , 156 )
seth( - 90 )
pendown( )
pensize( 5 )
fd( 15 - 2 * i)
a = - 60
b = 70
for i in range ( 4 ) :
penup( )
goto( a, b)
a= a+ 40
b= b+ 10
seth( - 90 )
pendown( )
pensize( 5 )
fd( 26 )
def oo ( li, jing) :
penup( )
goto( 0 , 50 )
seth( 0 )
circle( - 120 , li)
pendown( )
right( jing)
pensize( 5 )
oo( - 60 , 110 )
fd( 130 )
oo( - 28 , 96 )
fd( 140 )
oo( 9 , 89 )
fd( 144 )
oo( 42 , 70 )
fd( 160 )
oo( 80 , 60 )
fd( 130 )
penup( )
goto( - 80 , - 40 )
right( 160 )
pendown( )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 45 )
right( 75 )
circle( 70 , 38 )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 45 )
right( 90 )
circle( 70 , 48 )
penup( )
goto( - 53 , - 70 )
pendown( )
left( 40 )
circle( 70 , 30 )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 20 )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 38 )
right( 70 )
circle( 70 , 24 )
penup( )
goto( - 19 , - 105 )
left( 72 )
pendown( )
fd( 22 )
right( 60 )
fd( 22 )
oo( - 140 , 80 )
circle( - 90 , 120 )
penup( )
oo( 140 , 100 )
circle( 90 , 13 )
pendown( )
right( - 50 )
circle( 70 , 45 )
right( 75 )
circle( 70 , 38 )
right( 50 )
circle( 70 , 36 )
penup( )
goto( 22 , - 185 )
right( 70 )
pendown( )
fd( 72 )
penup( )
goto( - 40 , - 182 )
right( 38 )
pendown( )
fd( 70 )
speed( 10 )
penup( )
pensize( 7 )
goto( - 15 , - 110 )
seth( 0 )
pendown( )
pensize( 10 )
begin_fill( )
left( 130 )
fd( 110 )
right( 250 )
circle( 90 , 60 )
circle( 40 , 120 )
fillcolor( "#F5FFFA" )
end_fill( )
penup( )
goto( 5 , - 110 )
pendown( )
begin_fill( )
right( 30 )
fd( 110 )
right( - 250 )
circle( - 90 , 60 )
circle( - 40 , 120 )
end_fill( )
done( )
Above is the python code to draw spiderman so first create a new folder, open it in a code editor, create a python file and copy and paste the spiderman python code in the python file.
I have used the turtle python module to draw spiderman. You don’t have to install it because it comes preinstalled with python setup, but if it throws an error like this “turtle module not found” then use the below command to install turtle library.
If you don’t have python installed and setup on your computer, then you can read this tutorial: Install and setup python on your computer.
Now you can run the above program. To run it, open a command prompt or terminal at the project location and paste the below command.
Below is the final image output of this program after it completed drawing spiderman in python.
Isn’t that a cute spiderman it is kind of an anime spiderman you can test this code now by using an online python compiler . Now let’s see how to draw spiderman logo using python.
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